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Welcome to Lakshmi Narayan College, , | India...




प्रथम मेधा सूची मे नामांकन हेतु चयनित छात्र / छात्राओं को सूचित किया जाता है कि इंटरमिडिएट (कला एवं विज्ञान) में नामांकन हेतु महाविद्यालय के वेबसाइट ( http://lncollegebu.org/payment/ ) पे जा कर ऑनलाइन नामांकन शुल्क दिनांक 17/08/2020 तक जमा करना सुनिश्चित करेंगे ।



Online Classes

As per the current situation amidst lockdown due to COVID-19 online teaching is the only
option for interaction between teacher and students. Likewise for the continuation in the
academics, detailed video lectures of important topics are uploaded on college website (www.lncollegebu.org) With
time more videos will follow. B.C.A. Students are thus requested to regularly visit college website
for links. Students are further requested to consult on the contact (11 am to 3 pm) mentioned
below for any kind of academic assistance.

1. Mr. Mukesh Kr. Singh Assistant Professor 9631568507 singh.mukesh96@gmail.com

2. Mrs. Arti Assistant Professor 9708520668 artilnc@gmail.com

3. Mr. Chandan Kr. Jha Assistant Professor 9931513236 meetchandan23@gmail.com



Online Classes

As per the current situation amidst lockdown due to COVID-19 online teaching is the only
option for interaction between teacher and students. Likewise for the continuation in the
academics, detailed video lectures of important topics are uploaded on college website (www.lncollegebu.org) With
time more videos will follow. Students are thus requested to regularly visit college website
for links. Students are further requested to consult on the contact (11 am to 3 pm) mentioned
below for any kind of academic assistance.

General course

Prof. Rajeev Narayan, Chemistry Hons.&subs. whatsapp no.9835484665 or my email-rajeevnarayan1998@gmail.com

Pintu Bhattacharya, Physics Hons.&subs. whatsapp no.8016204796 email id:pbhattacharya89@gmail.com

Dr. Mihir Pratap & Dr. Veena, Psychology Hons. WhatsApp number : 9431879963 or e-mail at : mihirpratap2@gmail.com
Dr. Veena
Phone- 8969780523 (Whatsapp )
E-mail : veenapandey001@gmail.com

हिंदी ऑनर्स
सुनीता गुप्ता
अध्यक्ष, हिंदी विभाग
ल. ना. महाविद्यालय, भगवानपुर
संपर्क, 9473242999
Email sunitag67@yahoo.com

Dr.Dharam prakash paswan, Economics Hone. &Subs. What's App no. 7979009895 OR my e-mail ID at kdharam7979@gmail

Tarakanta Biswal, Political science BA part I II & III ( Hons and Subs) WhatsApp number 7683932030 and my email account tarakanta5578@gmail.com



Online Classes

As per the current situation amidst lockdown due to COVID-19 online teaching is the only
option for interaction between teacher and students. Likewise for the continuation in the
academics, detailed video lectures of important topics are uploaded on college website (www.lncollegebu.org) With
time more videos will follow. B.Ed. Students are thus requested to regularly visit college website
for links. Students are further requested to consult on the contact (11 am to 3 pm) mentioned
below for any kind of academic assistance.

1 Dr. Bhagya Narayan Thakur H.O.D 9973037588 bnthakur1962@gmail.com

2 Mr. Gautam Assistant Professor 9534118488 manugautam2251978@gmail.com

3 Mr. Nawnit Kumar Assistant Professor 9608448516 kumarnawnit81@gmail.com

4 Mrs. Chandana Kumari Assistant Professor 9798358100 chandu84.janvi@gmail.com

5 Mr. Ramanand Bharti Assistant Professor 9430842016 bhartii.ramanand@gmail.com

6 Dr.Shilpa Choudhary Assistant Professor 9430916360 shilpach1@yahoo.com

7 Dr.Nutan Kumari Assistant Professor 9546041071 nutanranjan20@gmail.com

8 Mrs.Madhu Kumari Assistant Professor 9431670836 madhu71kumari@gmail.com

9 Mis.Smiriti Priyadarshani Assistant Professor 9708604859 pridarshinismriti7@gmail.com

10 Dr.Ranjana Sarkar Assistant Professor 9570703616 asimsingha@gmail.com

11 Mr.Arjun Sah Assistant Professor arjun47562@gmail.com

12 Mrs.Kumari Rajmani, Assistant Professor 6207152303 kumari.rajmani82@gmail.com




मुख्यमंत्री कन्या उत्थान योजना के अंतर्गत मुख्यमंत्री बालिका (स्नातक) प्रोत्साहन योजना के लिए बिहार सरकार के कल्याण विभाग की निम्न वेबसाइट पर आवेदन करें: http://ekalyan.bih.nic.in




BCA (Hons.) सत्र 2019-22 के नामांकन प्रवेश जाँच परीक्षा में जो छात्र सम्मलित हुए थे उनका रिजल्ट प्रकाशित कर दिया गया है (महाविद्यालय के सूचना पट्ट पर देखा जा सकता है) । प्रथम सूची मे नामांकन दिनांक – 25/06/2019 से 29/06/2019 तक लिया जायेगा । सीट खाली रहने पर द्वितीय सूची दिनांक 29/06/2019 को शाम 04 बजे प्रकाशित किया जायेगा ।
